Poppy Seed Nutrition

poppy seed nutrition vegetables

It’s important for use all to focus on our health and what we put in our bodies, and there is contrasting info that exists on Poppy Seed Nutrition. We are all familiar with poppy seeds, but you may not know that these tiny seeds can be packed with nutritious vitamins and minerals. Some of the contrasting info mentioned above is caused by the various types of poppy seeds. This post will focus on providing Poppy Seed Nutrition Info for most of the fresh poppy seeds sold in the United States.

Learn the warning signs for rotten poppy seeds on my related post.

Note: This post is for informational purposes only and does not include medical advice. Consult a medical professional or dietitian for advice on your personal health questions.

robot with pencil stating post written by human

This was written by a breathing human. I’m not an A.I. program or robot. Is it as strange for you to read it as it is for me to write it? Alas, this is the world we live in.


We will break down this section of the post into two main categories, the USDA Poppy Seed Nutrition Info and the Nutrition Info Breakdown of our Blue Bird Poppy Seeds. Most poppy seeds will be somewhere in the range between the two, and there isn’t a large gap. Once again, here is the overview:

  1. USDA Poppy Seed Nutrition Info
  2. Blue Bird Poppy Seeds Nutrition Facts

USDA Poppy Seed Nutrition Info

raw poppy seeds nutrition including vitamins and minerals

The USDA has released nutrition information for “raw poppy seeds.” The following data above is based on 100 grams of raw poppy seeds (you can save money buying poppy seeds in bulk). That is roughly 4x the 1 ounce serving size mentioned on our poppy seed nutrition labels. The analysis was primarily completed by the USDA between June 1 – July 1, 2008, and it was published online April 1, 2019. A large portion of the nutrition data was aggregated and supplied by “manufacturers.”

Blue Bird Poppy Seed Nutrition

nutrition label blue bird poppy seeds
These nutrition facts are derived from our poppy seeds

As stated above, this is the nutrition info for our Blue Bird Poppy Seeds. These seeds are the European variety that are famous for their fresh & delicious flavor. This may be the reason the nutrition info is different from the USDA raw poppy seeds listed above which were likely analyzing seeds from a different origin. Even with those differences, a majority of the nutrition info appears to be consistent.

Overall Nutrition Takeaways

Poppy seeds are known as a great source of natural and healthy oils, calcium, iron, and protein. The USDA analysis also reflects that the raw poppy seeds are a great source of minerals including magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Once again, choosing high quality fresh poppy seeds is very important. While eating poppy seeds is a good way to add a healthy crunch to many meals and baked goods, it will likely only help you lose weight if you consume as part of a balanced diet with exercise.

A great example of fresh poppy seeds is our Blue Bird Poppy Seeds.


I hope you have learned more details and have become more comfortable with Poppy Seed Nutrition. If you haven’t baked with poppy seeds, you are missing out! Feel free to reach out in the Comment Section below with any questions or comments. Sharing your perspective makes this Lone Goose Bakery Community extremely valuable, and we read EVERY comment. Thanks!

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